The artwork, commissioned by the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, was created by artist Susanna Fritscher specifically for the architecture of the Theseus Temple. The temporary show can be visited from April 22, 2021 to October 3, 2021 at the Theseus Temple…
Concept Because of the rapidly growing global air traffic a mobile terminal was developed. The basic design of the terminal solutions allows the creation of buildings of different sizes, from about 120 sqm up to more than 1,000 sqm per…
Meteorite - Exhibition building to mark 100 years RWE in Essen Beam The beam is a light, slightly inclined tube on a support that contains the café of the exhibition facility. At its backside a glass hall is attached, out…
High architectural demands in terms of geometrical clarity and simplicity, spatial transparency and the selected materiality proved to be a real challenge for designing the support structure. Not only did it have to be adjusted to the flowing space continuum…
In order to create a welcoming and visitor-friendly atmosphere as well as a better sense of orientation in the Technical Museum Vienna’s entrance hall, and with the objective of getting rid of some deficits left over from the 1990s concerning…