Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize for Federal School in Vienna – Aspern
The federal school of the architectural office fasch&fuchs.architekten in the lakeside town of Aspern not only creates an identity through its outstanding architecture and construction, but also through its urban integration for the newly emerging district in the northeast of Vienna. As the jury also stated: “The school is an important element in creating the identity of the new district. The building, which is located on the perimeter of the available property, is closed on three sides to open inwards to the park, which becomes an integral part of the architecture; the lateral elements of the staircase, the transparency of the internal façade, the system of terraces and roofs emphasise and reinforce this continuity between the open and the built space”.

Photos: Robert Oberbichler
Architecture: fasch&fuchs.architekten
Structural design: werkraum ingenieure
More info:
See also our project Federal School Aspern